Monday, April 13, 2009

Time to get it done

I'm actually going to go get my community service done today. I never did go last time I said I was going to. I called the Court to get some information and found out that I was supposed to have my community service done by April 1. I swear I thought I had till May 1. There could be a warrant out for my arrest at anytime so I figured I better get it done today.

Easter Sunday came and went without a single call from anyone in my family. I guess I should be used to this by now but I'm really not. It still makes me sad. I wonder if anyone I'm related to even thinks about me at all.

I'm feeling quite lonely. I realized how lonely my life is when I came home from Europe. I really don't have any friends. It's hard to explain. I have people that I know and call friends but the reality is if I don't stay in touch with them they would never call me. So it's really just a one way thing. It gets really old really fast.

I guess I better just log off today cuz this talk isn't going to make me feel any better. I hope my day brightens and I can once again find a balance in my life that makes me a little happier.